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Happy Art

May the space with art will be filled with happiness and it makes you more powerful and lucky.

You can order your original painting with your favorite Kanji!!

Do you know how many kanji characters there are in the world?

It is said that about 3,000 characters are commonly used in Japan, and existed Kanji exceeds 100,000, in reality, the exact quantity is unknown. It is so infinite!

Each kanji has its own meaning and has been used for long time since has born in China about 3500 years ago.

There is no word to think about how enormous people has used innumerable kanji and what they thought in writing and reading!!!

It has long been said that words have a "KOTODAMA; word spirit" and that kanji have power. 
That is why when babies are born, parents carefully select the kanji for their children to use lifetime, paying a max attention also the number of strokes.

Japanese and peoples who use kanji believe that the power of letters has a great influence on the mind, heart and life (even if there is no scientific proof).

I have been interested in drawing kanji since the late 90's.

While staying in Italy for more than 7 years, studying art restoration, and having experience of restoration work, I continued to make paintings of Kanji and held a solo exhibition in Rome.

Kanji seems to be attractive to occidental peoples who do not use it, and it is also popular to put a tattoo with Kanji.

On the other hand, in Japan, "still life (especially flowers)" and "landscapes" are the most common pictures in our house, and "Mt. Fuji" and "dragon" are the most famous images of good luck.

Japan has a culture of hanging pictures and calligraphies as hanging scrolls.
The hanging scroll originally came from China in Asuka period (500 AD) for Buddhist worship.
The calligraphies used to convey Buddhist teachings, which were written by high-ranking Buddhist monks, were used in the tea room with the times, and were eventually hanged on the alcove of ordinary households.

Nowadays, traditional Japanese houses with alcove spaces are also decreasing, and it becomes hanging scrolls or calligraphies are not always suitable for our modern rooms.

How about to imagine your own original "kanji picture", instead of traditional good luck images?

It is said that actions are formed by what thry see every day.

Many people write their dreams and targets in notebooks or hang them on walls.

Why do they do it?

That is because there are many people who have realized their dreams and have proved it.

Images in the room

​(You can see the whole when you click the picture)

"Subliminal" means "subconscious."
It is called "subliminal effect" that stimulus are given below the boundary between the consciousness and the subconscious, and affects the unconsciousness

"Subliminal effect" has also a negative image that is used for TV commercials, but if you unconsciously become "happy", it should be a nice "subliminal effect".

My original "Subliminal happy art" seems to be abstract paintings, not as kanji at first glance.

But when you see it, the power of kanji will work in your subconsciousness and give you it's power of own meaning.

As kanji has a history of 3500 years with huge people's hearts,it will surely affect the viewer!

Do you have any favorite kanji or a word that describes your ideal, wishes, dreams, belief or faith...

If you decide the following, I will paint your own original subliminal happy art.

For your Home, office, salon!

◆Kanji or one word you like


◆Main color

◆Wood panel or Canvas

May the space with art will be filled with happiness and it makes you more powerful and lucky

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